Stinger For Radio Broadcasting
53,50 EUR - Standard. for non-advertising use, unlimited in time, worldwidevalid for:. editorial film / documentary (for Internet / TV / IPTV or broadcast) or.
background music for one website and subdomains or. corporate film or. film for personal marketing (Recruiting film) or. product film or. on-hold loop for one port or. corporate podcast or. The performance of a play.
copies up to 1.000 units (USB, DVD, download)Additional use (eg. Large number of copies, multiple usage in projects), student projects, private videos on request. 214,00 EUR - Reproduction 10.000. for non-advertising use, unlimited in time, worldwidevalid for:. editorial film / documentary (for Internet / TV / IPTV or broadcast) or. background music for one website and subdomains or. corporate film or.
film for personal marketing (Recruiting film) or. product film or.
Stinger Radio Controls
on-hold loop for one port or. corporate podcast or. The performance of a play. copies up to 10.000 units (USB, DVD, download)Additional use (eg. Large number of copies, multiple usage in projects), student projects, private videos on request.
Glossary of Radio Terms Glossary of Radio TermsGlossary of Radio TermsRadio 44(later called Communications 44 & RTF 44)The following is reprinted from an old purple colored ditto sheet. It was sent to us by Bill Stock.
Stinger For Radio Broadcasting Network
It probably dates from 1962 or 1963. It is republished in its entirety. The original was on 12 different sheets of paper.Across the board.A program which is presented five or six days a week at the same time is said to be scheduled across the board.Ad lib.To extemporize; to insert words or sounds which are not in the script; to speak without script.Affiliation.A contractual agreement, as between a station and a network.Examples: WFIL is affiliated with ABC Network.WRCV is affiliated with NBC Network.WCAU is affiliated with CBS NetworkWIP is affiliated with Mutual network.AM.Amplitude modulation. The familiar system of broadcasting which has been known as standard. The system in which the audio signal causes the carrier wave to vary in strength. (See also FM)ASCAP.American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers.
Sports Radio Broadcasting
A music licensing organization. Licenses public performances negotiation of contracts, collection of fees, and granting of special rights.Audition.A tryout for potential announcers, actors, and musicians.To listen to talent for possible use on programs.A trial hearing of an entire program in an attempt to secure sponsorship or air time.Auditionee.A candidate at a radio audition.Auditioner.The director or other staff member who hears the auditions.BBC.The British Broadcasting Corporation. A publicly owned Corporation controlling British radio.Background.Sound, speech, or music heard at a low level behind dialogue and other program elements. (See Foreground)Balance.The relative volume levels of different voices, music, and sound.The physical arrangement of musicians so as to produce desired volume and blending.A desired relationship in the perspective and quality of the unites of a program.BG.Short for BackgroundBite Cue.See Quick CueBiz.Business.
A script notation calling for vocal or physical effects to be done by the cast. Crowd noises, shouting, etc.Blasting.Overloading the microphone. A sudden increase in level of sound, music or voice which cannot be controlled by the engineer, resulting in distortion and other undesirable effects. (See Level)BMI.Broadcast Music, Inc. A music licensing and publishing organization.Board.The control panel in the control rooms containing switches and potentiometers (pots) for each microphone and turntable channel, and operated by an engineer or control operator.Board Fade.The increase or decrease of volume of music, voice, or sound by manipulation of faders or pots at the control board. A fade performed by the engineer.Boom.A horizontal extension which permits swinging the mike over a table or piano.