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25 years ago, Bill Gates announced that Microsoft would smash together its three application programs - Word, Excel, and PowerPoint - offering them in a cohesive bundle known as Microsoft Office for Windows. When Office 1.0 arrived in 1990, the apps had very little in common and worked together only under duress.The second version of Office (enigmatically known as Microsoft Office 3.0, comprised of Word 2, Excel 4, PowerPoint 3, and Mail 3) started carving out a new software category, defining by example the term “office productivity.”By hook, by crook, FUD, and ruthless pursuit of market share, Office turned into the aging juggernaut you see today. This is our tribute to the many competitors that have fallen prey to the productivity Goliath. Electric Pencil - Born: 1976; died: ca 1983, cause of death: neglect EasyWriter - Born on the Apple II: 1979; ported to DOS: 1981; died of bugs Volkswriter - Born: 1982, in response to EasyWriter’s bugs; died: ca 1989Here’s to all of the pioneering commercial word processors, including Homeword, PFS:Write, Bank Street Writer, XyWrite, DisplayWrite, PC-Write, many more. They all flourished then fizzled. All were crushed by the time Office hit the stands.Electric Pencil came first; its history as told in InfoWorld’s: “The original idea for the first word processor came eventually to Michael Shrayer who had never worked in the computer field.” Shrayer grew bored keeping up with the word-processing Joneses, and Electric Pencil withered away.

Born: 1979; not quite dead yetOf all the clobbered word processing programs from the DOS era, this one still has a measureable pulse.WordStar’s primary claim to fame: It gets out of the way. Control keys move the cursor. Couldn’t spellcheck its way out of a paper bag. As for formatting?

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That’s something you hire somebody else to do, right?In 1984, MicroPro, the company that made WordStar, grossed $70 million, which made it arguably the largest software company in the world. By 1988, it was toast, but holdouts remain. “What is dead may never die” Martin acknowledges that.WordStar for Windows, a rewrite of the word processor known as Legacy, never got off the ground.

Born as WordMate: 1982; sold to Ashton-Tate: 1985; died when A-T was sold to Borland: 1991Legend has it that the original MultiMate user manual was written by an old Wang pro, then programmers used the manual as the spec for WordMate.Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance, a big Wang shop, bought PCs to replace the Wangs and hired W.H. Jones and company to build the software to support the move. The original group of five programmers kept the rights to the software, formed their own company, and the rest was history.What, the keys on the IBM PC didn’t match those on the Wang? MultiMate shipped with stickers for the wayward keys, plus a big plastic template to tie it all together. Born: 1991; stable release 5.2: 1992; became WordPerfect Office SuiteWordPerfect for Windows existed as a standalone product for a short time, ultimately becoming the backbone for various WordPerfect Suites (more later).InfoWorld’s inimitable Ed Foster presided over a lengthy discussion of WordPerfect’s demise in his December 28, 2007, article “”:“WordPerfect was late with its first Windows version, and then the bundling of Word with Microsoft Office on many PCs resulted in WordPerfect's sale - first to Novell, then Corel in 1996 - aimed at producing a competitive office suite. While retaining popularity in some markets, particularly legal circles, WordPerfect now generally gets little attention as a Word competitor.”.

Born on Xenix: 1983; ported to DOS shortly thereafter, and Mac: 1985; last DOS version: 1993Microsoft cannibalizes itself, too.Programmer’s programmer Charles Simonyi started building Multi-Tool Word for Xenix in 1981, bringing in Richard Brodie to that became key to Microsoft’s development of applications for more than a decade.Microsoft distributed free copies of the renamed Microsoft Word in the November 1983 issue of PC World. You can download, free.Remarkably, Word for DOS was designed to be used with a mouse.Word for Mac outsold Word for DOS between 1985 and 1989, when Word for Windows rolled over both. Sailing the seas of cheese primus rar 2.

Born on the Apple II: 1979; ported to DOS: 1981; died: 1983, eaten by 1-2-3VisiCalc was long dead before Office was a gleam in Charles Simonyi’s eye, but many of the, both in Excel and in other products that fell to the Microsoft juggernaut.It’s hard to overstate how important VisiCalc was to the emergence of the computer industry. Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston back in 1979. Porting it to DOS was a mean feat, but VisiCalc for DOS shipped with the first IBM PCs in 1981. When Lotus 1-2-3 arrived in 1983, VisiCalc bit the dust. Lotus bought VisiCalc in 1985 and put the company out of its misery.

Born: 1983; bought by IBM: 1995; died: somewhere in betweenAt one time the highest-flying application on personal computers, Lotus 1-2-3 failed to make a convincing transition to Windows. It continued to linger in various guises for many years.Tied to the IBM PC at the feet and ankles, 1-2-3 (1=calculations, 2=charts, 3=database, get it?) compatibility became the bellwether for PC clone manufacturers. It was that important.Lotus 1-2-3 was absorbed into the DOS-based Lotus Symphony (more about that product later), then moved to Windows in Lotus SmartSuite. The port to Windows in 1991 was a massive kludge, and 1-2-3 faded into oblivion.Excel beat it to a pulp.

Born on the Osborn I: 1981; ported to DOS: 1982; ported to Windows: 1984; died from neglectAdam Osborn had SuperCalc built to ship with the Osborn I “luggable” computer. Widely held to be faster, more precise, more feature-laden than VisiCalc, it never did supplant VisiCalc in the market.

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As Lotus 1-2-3 ran over VisiCalc in the DOS market, SuperCalc remained in second place.Other DOS spreadsheet wannabes (TWIN, VP-Planner, Javelin) never overtook SuperCalc.Computer Associates bought Sorcim, the SuperCalc company, in 1984 and promptly shipped CA-SuperCalc for Windows. The product, which introduced a version of pivot tables, fell far behind Excel. In the end, Computer Associates - the second software company to exceed $1 billion in annual sales, after Microsoft - let it fade away. Born: 1981; faded with its companion product, WordStar, ca. 1988While luminaries like George R.R. Martin keep WordStar alive (or at least mention the product every few years), I don’t know anybody who admits to using CalcStar.MicroPro bundled WordStar, CalcStar, the InfoStar report generator, and a glue program called Starburst to create what many consider to be the first Office-style productivity program suite long before the advent of Windows - and long before anyone would dare call a hodgepodge of programs a “suite.”WordStar was once the epitome of word processing software. CalcStar was well regarded by some, but it never reached the level of popularity of 1-2-3.

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Unsourced material may be. (December 2009)SuperCalc Initial release19805.5;;SuperCalc was a application published by in 1980, and originally bundled (along with ) as part of the software package included with the.An improvement over, SuperCalc was notable for being one of the first spreadsheet programs capable of iteratively solving (cells that depend on each other's results). It would be over 10 years after the introduction of SuperCalc before this feature was implemented in, although in, manual programming of iterative logic could also be used to solve this issue. According to the SuperCalc product manager, iterative calculations were added when Sorcim changed from BCD to Binary math. Since the precision of the two math packages was different, some IF statements resolved differently, and iterative calculations helped solve this problem.Versions of SuperCalc were later released for the, for running, and, after Sorcim was bought by (CA) in the mid-1980s, for (under the name CA-SuperCalc).This article is a. You can help Wikipedia.