Lyrics Plugin For Win Media Player And Winamp Lyrics
This plug-in lets you view song lyrics when using Winamp, but it seems like a less-attractive option than many of its competitors. For starters, Winamp Lyrics only supports the jukebox found in its name, neglecting other popular choices. The application's lyrics pane can be accessed from Winamp's View menu, but strangely enough, if you turn it off, you'll have to restart the jukebox to find it again. Changing the plug-in's preferences also is a hassle, requiring you to dig through Winamp's menu items. Customization options aren't expansive, but you can change the font, color, and format of the displayed lyrics. As soon as you click a tune, Winamp Lyrics will retrieve the words from the Web and either save them as a TXT file or embed them in the MP3.
In our tests, performance was decent, though the application failed to retrieve the words to many of the obscure tracks in our collection. Dedicated WinAmp users might find some benefit here, but hard-core music fiends have better options at their disposal. This plug-in lets you view song lyrics when using Winamp, but it seems like a less-attractive option than many of its competitors. For starters, Winamp Lyrics only supports the jukebox found in its name, neglecting other popular choices. The application's lyrics pane can be accessed from Winamp's View menu, but strangely enough, if you turn it off, you'll have to restart the jukebox to find it again. Changing the plug-in's preferences also is a hassle, requiring you to dig through Winamp's menu items. Customization options aren't expansive, but you can change the font, color, and format of the displayed lyrics.
Free Win Media Player Download
As soon as you click a tune, Winamp Lyrics will retrieve the words from the Web and either save them as a TXT file or embed them in the MP3. In our tests, performance was decent, though the application failed to retrieve the words to many of the obscure tracks in our collection. Dedicated WinAmp users might find some benefit here, but hard-core music fiends have better options at their disposal. Simple but effective, this Winamp plug-in finds the lyrics for the MP3 file you're playing (from its tag or from a TXT file) and scrolls it according to the elapsed time, using the current skin. The program also contains a 'HitList', which counts how many times you've opened a certain MP3. You can bind any hot key to any action, working from the whole system (not only from Winamp).This update features bug fixes and adds a built-in text editor and better time-stamp support.
See the read-me file for other options.
I am using WMP 12 in Windows 7 and I have a problem with this plugin: It works, but everytime I restart WMP, it gets disabled and I have to re-enable it. As you can see, the plugin seems to be no longer updated and I couldn't find any alternative (it's very simple, but it does what I need). I had this problem both in the beta and in the RC and a friend of mine has the same problem too. Could you please try it and tell me if you have the same problem? If it's so, maybe someone more expert than me could find a workaround or perhaps understand why it happens. Or, if you know an alternative, please tell me.
Thank you very much! I have the same problem with my WMP and Lyrics Plugin.
I am using Windows 7 Ultimate Pack, and The Latest Lyrics Plugin. Once I restarted my windows, the plugin doesn't show up anymore in my windows media player, but when I tried to configure it from WMP-Options-Plugins, the lyrics plugin was still there. I don't know how to enable the lyric plugin which has ben disabled from my WMP. To re-enable it, you have to right-click on the to top bar in WMP (that with backward and forward arrows and the Play, Burn and Sync buttons) than Tools-Plug-ins and here you are.
When you installed it, did it work correctly for some time before starting to auto-disable? Because, if it was so, you could try to remember what you installed when it stopped working. By the way, I have post-poned my upgrade to the RTM because I'm going to change my computer soon. I'll let you know if I find out something. I had this lyricsplugin problem too with Windows Media Player 12 (Windows 7 Ultimate x86) the plugin can be enabled without any problem. I can also close or restart my pc without it being disabled.
However, everytime i play video file and close the player, it will disable the lyricsplugin. (Note: must close the player after watch video to reproduce this problem.) i tried several case and this is the result. Case 1: open wmp12, play an audio, close wmp12.
(no problem) Case 2: open wmp12, play an video, close wmp12. Wii netflix downloads. (lyricsplugin will be DISABLED) Case 3: open wmp12, play an audio, play a video, close wmp12. (lyricsplugin will be DISABLED) Case 4: open wmp12, play an audio, play a video, play an audio again, close wmp12. (no problem). all cases is tested with lyricsplugin enabled at the beginning. hopefully some experts can help verify the problem.